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korkmaz52: korkmaz52Ezine Articles Review 

Date Added: 7/23/2009     Reviewer: Traces2757
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 Awesome Pretty good Just OK Pretty lame Worthless  
Website URL: http://www.ezinearticles.com
Company Name: EzineArticles.com
Alexa Traffic Rank: 298 
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Ezine Articles Description
Ezine Articles is an article directory that allows people to submit their articles to it for free, and then makes the articles available to the general public to read or publish on their websites. This service is the largest article directory on the internet, and it has been in business for ten years.
Ezine Articles Detailed Overview
There are very few internet marketers or aspiring internet marketers online today who have not heard of Ezine Articles. This article directory has established itself as the top article directory on the internet, and it doesn’t look like it will be toppled from that place any time soon.
Ezine Articles works on a simple concept. You write an article, you submit it to EA, and after they’ve approved it, they publish it. Of course, you need to be aware of their rules and guidelines so that your article won’t be rejected.
Any article that you submit to Ezine Articles has to be original (not copied), and you have to own the copyright. It needs to be informative, legible, and not overly promotional. Neither the title nor the body of the article can contain any promotional links. It can’t contain any “how to” information on illegal activities or unethical activities. It can’t contain porn, hate-oriented material, obscenities or be degrading to any individuals or groups of people. This is all pretty standard stuff.
Most of the people who use Ezine Articles are internet marketers. Though you have to be careful about promotions in the title and the body of your articles, there is an “author resource” area below each article where you can put information about yourself or your business, and where you can include a link to your website or blog. You can’t put affiliate website links in your resource box, but your website that people link through to can contain them.
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Ezine Articles Reputation
Ezine Articles has an excellent reputation as an article directory; one that isn’t equaled by any other directory. When internet marketers use information articles to draw traffic to their websites, this is the directory where they usually go first. It’s been around for a long time and as successful as it is, it should continue that way.
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Note:  If you're on IM Report Card because you're looking for a way to make money online, then you should check out our top recommendation.  It's the best method we've found that anyone can use to earn income online.  Click here to learn more! 

38 User Comments
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Really huge directory with nice articles

I have always been mesmerized by the art of writing an article. I wasnt visiting article directories to copy and publish elsewhere. I was there to see and observe how article are made to be interesting. What was the way of forming the sentences that made the article more interesting. I observed many dozens of articles at the website. This became my only web address used other than Facebook. Their directory is really huge and has articles from many talented writers. If you wanna look at some nice articles, ezine is your destination.

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avatar by anant17101999 on July 5, 2014 at 10:08 AM CST
Using Ezine article you can easily publish your articles

This website is one of the best article submission sites and it ranks top among the other websites. The articles have quality and the content is high, well written with no grammar errors. But authors need to be aware of guidelines in order for their articles to be approved. These articles have good information about their topics. I recommend every one to use this website, it gives information about how to write the articles.

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avatar 2,000 Credits - Top Contributor by puneeth35 on May 14, 2014 at 8:36 AM CST
Way above any other competing site

The biggest advantage of being on Ezine Articles is they are widespread. I've been using this directory service from quite a long time. The best bet with them is having a pre-qualified audience being directed towards your web-site. The best part was how easy is it to use and navigate through their site.

Previously I've had little issues as a new publisher on getting my articles published but that was a thing of the past. Now, I'm a happy publisher at this site. Highly Recommended.

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avatar by donaldtoles on January 2, 2013 at 7:44 AM CST

Learning and Exploring the beauties of Internet Marketing
D for Double Standards

This is an article base that forbids "Article content or links that promote or describe the use of electronic cigarettes". And this was under the sub-section "Hard Alcohol/Tobacco-Related Products or Prescription Drugs" in their Editorial Guidelines.

What makes things more confusing is that they still have articles from 2008-2010 describing e-cigarettes. Anyway, that particular confusion cost me 2 hours of my time (that no one can give back to me now!), until I stumbled upon this peace of hypocritic bs in their extensive Guidelines.

Let me make this clear, not to wage war against these people, but to discuss an attitude so typical whenever it comes to e-cigarettes:

On the same page it's written that you can not describe "hard alcohol" products. Which further means you can describe and promote wine and beer.

Wine in normal quantities can be beneficial but in large quantities it can lead to alcoholism.

Yet, you'll never hear of any ban to discuss, describe and promote wine. Of course, I would be very unpleasantly surprised to hear that myself though I'm not addicted to it.

Electronic cigarettes are a harm reduction product. As such, and this is exactly what these people fail to understand, they reduce the obvious tobacco harm. E-cigarette users report being able to breathe without wheezing again, they show their nicotine level tests, their chest x-rays and other evidence of improved health all over the internet. But it obviously doesn't matter much, does it?

Yes, that's right – we, who are proud to talk about the benefits of electronic cigarettes and proud to sell or advertise them are stuffed on the same page with hard alcohol and tobacco. And pornography. And bomb-making.

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avatar by switch2 on November 13, 2012 at 5:06 PM CST

For E-cigarette Affiiates - Make $$ & Be Helpful
Mostly ineffective

I have made my experience with Ezine by publishing a few articles. Compared to other free article databases, my articles on Ezine have the least visits. Click throughs to my website for 3+ months on 4 articles = 0.

Lately, Ezine comes up with all sorts of excuses not to publish my newly submitted content any more. Some of their arguments are absolutely ridiculous!

I have made much better experience incl. click-throughs to my website with:

- Amazines

- ArticleBiz

- GoArticles

- ArticleClick

- ArticleDashboard.

Save yourself the trouble and go to other article databases. Ezine seems to be nothing but a hype.


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avatar by cheers on September 2, 2012 at 9:08 AM CST
Google Penguin Friendly

Thought I've used them for years, I've never been a huge fan of ezinearticles.com.

I always thought they were a little high and mighty given that I was giving them free content. (I may be a little sensitive about this because I'm an author and so feel, somewhat irrationally I suppose, that I should be paid for every sentence I cough up. )

But this whole Google Penguin thing (Spring 2012) had made me appreciate them a whole lot more. Of all the article directories I've used, they were the easiest to work with to fix linking programs, de-webspam-link-ing in about the author blurbs, and so on.

Now, frankly, I feel a little silly being so, well, irritated they wanted to do a bang-up job on the their content and SEO. I give them, therefore, a solid "B".

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avatar by JackTraffic on July 11, 2012 at 5:35 PM CST

Jack Traffic, e-book author and publisher
LOVE the site!

At first I only used Ezine articles for reading many articles written by other people. A lot of the information I ever got when I did searches I got them from Ezines. It was packed with information, about, well, just about anything. Especially products.

After doing nothing but reading articles from Ezine I decided to sign up with them to advertise many affiliate products. Quite honestly, I love Ezine!

It comes up in a bunch of Google searches, so it helps both me (in more ways than one) and it helps the consumer who’s looking for information too. It’s definitely a place for anyone who likes writing or wants to advertise.

The thing I don’t like is how very picky they are. They’re quite strict with their rules, but then again that’s why they are successful.

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avatar by TimeMelody on May 26, 2012 at 9:13 AM CST
What happens next

Well, I signed up for Ezine Articles. Everything went fine, I received the email confirmation link and there was the bad news I did not want to hear. I had 10 free submission fields, meaning I could write 10 articles for free. But what was after that? I had to upgrade to Bronze, Silver or Platinum. I myself would like to write articles for free to also inform other consumers about certain products, but I would not want to pay for sharing my own experience with others. Therefore I am just rating Ezine Articles a C. :(

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avatar by maxallan on May 14, 2012 at 9:23 PM CST

Max Dawid-Allan www.squidoo.com/maxsmagic
They are simply the best

I have tried many article directories but none provides as widespread exposure as ezinearticles. I have been using this directory from the very beginning of my affiliate marketing career. They have a very soft corner in the heart of Google so it is very easy to get your articles on the first page of Google if you do proper keyword research before writing the articles.

The traffic you get from ezinearticles is residual in nature because they don't remove your articles for several years. I have got many of my articles indexed in the front page of Google for their main keywords thanks to ezinearticles. Now they have reduced the time of review to one day even for the basic members so it has become easier to see results with your articles fast.

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by kkt958 on August 27, 2009 at 9:37 PM CST
A great marketing tool.

I have used Ezine many times while selling my affiliate products and it's worked amazingly. I made quite a few sales for each article I wrote that directed costumers to the affiliates link. After writing several articles, I would post them all at the same time. Next I would wait a few days and check back. Whenever I went to see the amount of sales I would be amazed. I would recommend this product to anyone trying affiliate marketing.

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avatar by amassaia on August 26, 2009 at 9:04 PM CST

Interested in joining one of the best GPT sites? Click Here!
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Good Content Posted and Frequently Comes up in Searches

I think this site is excellent at offering a wide variety of subjects and content matter. It's been a great place to not only post articles, but get information about almost anything from other people's writing. I've found the site helpful when I've needed to do research for various topics. The articles also come up a lot in Google and other online searches, and anything posted there definitely has the chance to be seen by lots of viewers. If you make sure to follow all of their rules as to posting, it's a great place to post, and as I really enjoy writing, and feel that it is a nice platform to put my works out there.

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avatar 10,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Guru by runnerchick081 on August 22, 2009 at 2:47 PM CST

Need a writer? Check me out: Cait's Write
Check out the latest health and fitness news and learn some great workouts: Fitness Stop
Having problems getting published

I have been with Ezines for about a month now and have had no luck getting anything published. I have four articles waiting for review and approval, one has been waiting over three weeks. I understand the thought behind this, it just seems an excessive amount of time to be approved. I will continue to work with this site but if this is the trend and not the exception I do not know how long I can do this.

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avatar by simtech52 on August 21, 2009 at 10:07 AM CST

Wealthy Affiliate-Learn to market from the best
Affiliate Jump-Promote over 300 prducts from one site

The best when it comes to writing free articles

Ezine Articles is possibly the best site to use for writing free articles and gaining viewers because of it's ease of use, great banner tools and great support. The site is simple to sign up to and after that you are given 10 articles to write. They check through all the articles when you reach 10 and if they see you are doing everything legit they will upgrade you to unlimited articles without question. In order to gain a lot of viewers people search the site for articles and what makes this website even better is that you may also obtain free banners to advertise your writings on other websites. I have not seen a feature like this on any other websites which is a plus to me. I also sent a question on their support and received a quick answer in no time which is one of my favorite things about this site. The only downside is the sign up is a bit longer with some information that is unneeded but other than that this is a big win for me. Do not hesitate to sign up!

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by GGevork on August 20, 2009 at 9:54 AM CST

Has plenty of offers and is updated daily. Has prizes ranging from emailing codes for xbox live and amazon to game pre-orders.
If you love writing, you will adore this site

Writing has been my all time passion ever since I was little. I came across Ezine articles about a year ago, and I fell instantly in love with it.

If you like writing, and are looking for a way to drive traffic to your blog or website, Ezine is a phenomenal tool for that.

We all possess skills, knowledge and tools that are just waiting to be put in words, and Ezine gives it's members an outlet in which to do it in. Even if you are rusty, or feel that you don't have the proper writing skills, the website offers helpful tips and samples.

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by luvikavi on August 20, 2009 at 9:32 AM CST

Join a ptc site that actually works!
This is me. Welcome to my perfect nonsense
This is a winner

I've been submitting to Ezinearticles for about 6 weeks. Although I'm not published yet, I keep trying. While it's true that they don't allow affiliate links in the Bio, there are ways to get around that. They are very sticky about their rules and they let you know. At one point my account was suspended. Yes, they can do that. My article was identical to someone else's online, so they check meticulously each article.

I'm sure I'll eventually get published; I admit they have a lot of patience with article newbies like me, but I'll keep trying with them. No guts, no glory.

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avatar 3,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Expert by smarternow on August 19, 2009 at 9:14 PM CST

Attention Writers and Bloggers! Discover how to get more traffic
and PR links easily, effectively. Free trial plus 50% discount here:
Love Love Love 

This site is completely amazing as letting you write about a lot of different things and getting paid for it! I wrote an article about War Hammer and my boyfriend and suggested ways to get cheaper War Hammer models. Not only did it get great hits but I made a good amount of money. It was amazing! Just as long as you read the Rules & Guidelines, you'll be fine. It isn't too complex to start an article and is great if you love writing in your spare time.

I grade this site an A for Awesome! For simplicity, user friendliness, and great source of income.

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avatar 10,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Guru by mariiii on August 19, 2009 at 4:02 PM CST

Make money online with help from:
A Must Site To Submit Your Articles

With a high page rank of PR6, ezinearticles.com is the site where articles should be submitted to get good ranking with the search engines. Articles at this site are always found in Google. Try doing a search on a topic and chances are there will be an article or several articles coming from this site. Getting organic traffic to your article is great for revenue because these visitors are targeted to your products and chances of them buying the products you're promoting is higher than getting traffic from traffic exchanges. Their rules may be intimidating but not difficult to abide by. Try and submit an article and you'll see what I mean.

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by UmiNoor on August 19, 2009 at 1:31 PM CST

My articles are all indexed by Google. Read my article and see how I did it.
The only article directory where you want your article.

This is probably the best website which helped me earn my affiliate commissions. Although they are very strict in accepting articles and even the slightest mistake can get your article rejected, and I think it's the major reason for it's success.

After submitting my articles to ezine I usually rank within 3 pages of Google for my targeted keyword. I used to submit my articles to a lot of article directories, but after finding ezine I felt it enough for my needs.

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avatar by digitalreviewer on August 18, 2009 at 1:33 PM CST
Good for Publishing your Works!

You can publish all the good works that you have got up your sleeve in Ezine articles. And since it's a hugely viewed site, you are lucky that you can get people around the world for free to see your articles. And one more reason why I love Ezine Articles is because you can sumbit articles related to money making programs with your referral URL/website URL so that you can get more referrals or more visits to your blog!

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avatar by pranavpillai on August 16, 2009 at 11:57 PM CST
There is one place for you articles!

You really need only one place to submit your articles and that is Ezine Articles. I submit my articles to 5 of the top article submitting sites, but I get more views from ezine articles than all the others put together. The easy way to add links and edit your article is also very useful. They even have a full stats page with your graphed stats. Very useful. I can highly recommend it for anyone that writes articles.

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avatar 2,000 Credits - Top Contributor by bertuseng on August 16, 2009 at 11:53 PM CST

LIMITED OFFER: Grab your 17 FREE Internet Marketing Courses (Valued at $520) ==> Download FREE Internet Marketing Training
The best internet marketing tool for beginners and it's FREE

I love this service and how they have real people to guide you what you need to do, etc. I don't mind following their strict guidelines as they are giving me free service and up to 10 articles to post. I hope that they would upgrade my account to premium for free after the 10 articles.

I would recommend this article submission to anyone who is serious about getting solid traffic to their sites!

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avatar by freemmatips on August 16, 2009 at 9:23 AM CST

Swagbucks allow a person who searches on google, yahoo, or ask.com a lot to profit at least 1k a month using their search tool and easy to refer tools...I have made over 300dollars my first month and i hardly search the web
Easy Money

Ezine articles created a great way for me to make some extra cash through writing. But not only that, Ezine Articles provide great information on all sorts of products. I often find myself looking up info on there as opposed to Google or any other search engine.

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avatar by r_tyler on August 15, 2009 at 11:03 PM CST
Great way to get some traffic

After making a blog I discovered I had no idea how to get any traffic to my blog. I began searching for ways to get some good traffic to your blog on Google and came across writing articles for article directories. Ezine Articles was the first directory that I joined and the only one that I am still with. I have been receiving some killer traffic from Ezine Articles for a year and love it.

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avatar 2,000 Credits - Top Contributor by jboi993 on August 14, 2009 at 11:43 PM CST

Extremely useful for promotion of blogs/sites!

have written a couple Ezine Articles ever since I started my making money online blog. The main reason I've written ezines is to build backlinks for my blog. An anchored text backlink from Ezine Articles is great for SEO purposes.

My experience with ezine articles have been good. The first time I wrote an article, it got denied. However, after reading over the rules and requirements, and tweaking it here and there, it was accepted. The main reason they deny articles is if it sounds too promotional or contains too many links to other sites. I recommend leaving your link only in the resource box if you're having problems with your article being accepted.

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by TriNi on August 13, 2009 at 7:27 PM CST

Make Money Online Free, Fast and Easy! - testimonial of a skeptic!
Ezine - A good platform to promote your articles

I joined ezine articles last year and have had a wonderful experience of marketing my articles over there. I was struggling hard to promote articles of my blog when I found ezine. Now my blog has regular subscribers, which makes me happy.

Registration on ezine is very easy but continuing your zeal for constant article promotion is very difficult. But you get good returns for all your hard work. You have friendly community of authors at ezine. These authors are experts in their respective domains. Knowledge sharing among different authors is what attracts me. Due to this I am able enhance my domain knowledge.

The only con about ezine is the rigid user interface. It is not so easy for a beginner to come in and post articles. It takes awhile to understand the new interface by looking at other articles posted and contact the admin of the site. The admin is very instant and interactive in responding to your queries. Hence hats off to ezine team!

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avatar 2,000 Credits - Top Contributor by doyo2009 on August 13, 2009 at 3:09 PM CST
Great Site

I have always gone to Ezine articles to get some great information whenever I was looking for particular subjects. I may use Ezine at least once a week.

Now I am also a writer for them. I like the fact that while you are not compensated by Ezine, you could have to opportunity to be published by the thousands of visitors that Ezine gets daily. There are 3 membership types- basic, basic plus and platinum. You can submit more articles if they approve you to be basic plus or platinum. Currently I am only a basic, but am hoping to work hard enough to get to be a platinum. I do feel that waiting up to 14 days is a long time to see if they will approve your article, but they are a very popular site, so it is completely understandable. I do suggest that if you are just starting your writing career to try Ezines as it will open a door for you.

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by angie828 on August 10, 2009 at 9:26 PM CST
Great article directory

I submit original articles to article directories and there are a number of them which are very good. Ezine Articles is one of better ones. While submitting articles to directories can be daunting at times, it does feel good when your articles get accepted by human editors and not just accepted automatically. More gratifying is when you get an Ezine Articles Expert Author distinction which you can showcase on your website. It is no wonder people consider Ezine Articles one of the important directories on the Internet.

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avatar 5,000 Credits - Internet Marketing Master by worldlord on August 8, 2009 at 9:57 AM CST

I like Ezine

Ezine articles Help me spread knowledge to other internet users at the same time as gaining referrals for many online businesses and making my blog and websites very popular. The traffic I gain from there has much better quality and possible income ability. I love writing the articles and advertising myself. It is surely a great way for new internet marketers to spread the word of anything they need.

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avatar 2,000 Credits - Top Contributor by AJ88xA8 on August 7, 2009 at 9:21 PM CST
Very Informative

Ezinearticles is not just very informative to readers but also it's lucrative to writers too. Although for a writer you need to get approved first, but it's just to ensure the quality and maintaining the good reputation of the site. As a writer, you just don't earn in Ezinearticles but also you learn from other writers from reading their works.

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avatar by overclocked on August 6, 2009 at 10:45 AM CST

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